
Blog Income Report April 2017 – How I Made $3816.56 Blogging

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Hey Bloggers and Funnel Hackers! Welcome to my 2nd ever blog income report. I pretty much made the same amount of money this month as I did last month in March, which was good news and bad news.

Good news, because making around that $4000 mark lets the bills paid, my 3 year old in Montessori, and it allows my family to eat out a couple of times per week.

Bad news, because my AC went out in my 2003 Yukon, my 1 year old starts Montessori in less than 1 year, and we have a family trip to Lake Tahoe planned in the summer.

In other words, I’m really going to step up the hustle in the next 3 months.

Alright, enough about me, lets get down to the nitty gritty of how I made abotu $3,800 this month online.

April Revenues For Upgraded Health

Digital Products: $2581

Amazon Associates: $13.52

Amazon Kindle Books: $183.65

Affiliate Products: $1048.39 (Clickbank and other affiliate partnerships)

Total: $3827.56

April Revenues For Blogging With Funnels


April Expenses

Credit Card Processing Fees (on products sold): $124

ClickFunnels (Websites): $97 (See my full review on ClickFunnels)

SamCart: $97 (Try Samcart)

Getresponse (Emails): $67 (Try Getresponse)

Hosting: $25 (Try Bluehost)

Advertising: $500

Total: $689.00


Content I Shared In April On  BWF:

Why Bloggers Are Ditching Their Websites For Sales Funnels

4 Reasons To Buy Russell Brunson’s Book Experts Secrets

ClickFunnels Review

Blog Income Report March 2017 – $3,810 Blogging

Here’s What I Learned And What You Should Know About:

In April, my goal was to create MORE content, post MORE blog posts, MORE, MORE, MORE….

Unfortunately, it didn’t lead to anything more…actually LESS.

Less traffic. Less engagement. Less Sales. Less Money!

I was reminded that sometimes less is more…somtimes you have to slow down to speed up.

So, next month I’m going to focus on QUALITY over quantity and see what happens.

Things I’m Working In May:

Blogging With Funnels – My goal is post 20 more high-quality and helpful articles and 10 videos to Blogging With Funnels. I’m also going to be heavily investing in growing my Blogging With Funnels Facebook Group. My plan is to shoot screenshot videos sharing landing pages, sales funnels, and other little blogging hacks that help me monetize my online businesses.

Upgraded Health – I’m hoping to be done re-branding my health website Upgraded Health. I had to let my Upwork employee go last week, because he ended up breaking my website trying to do a few design changes. I LOVE upwork, but sometimes it’s “hit or miss” with finding good workers.

I’ve had my graphic designer for almost one year, whom I discovered on Upwork. Needless to say, I’ll be looking for another web designer to make a few edits to my websites.

Shooting More Videos – Like I mentioned above, I’m still going to be creating written content, like this on both of my blogs, BUT I’m also going to be shooting more videos and sharing them inside my articles, Facebook pages, Pinterest pages, and Youtube.

Video is getting more Facebook love these days and it really boosts your KLT Factor (Know-Like-Trust), especially in my main market (health and weight loss) it’s important that people see your face.

Not to mention if you’re selling products, if people see your face, they are less likely to feel you are scamming them.

Webinar – Webinars are all the rage right now, especially in the High-Ticket Coaching community. I’m planning on launching a webinar selling a $97 program, with possibly a one-on-one coaching component. I guess we’ll find out in next month’s income report!

Blogging In April Takeaways

Blogging and running your own business definitely has its ups and downs. When I quit my job in May 2016 (almost 1 year ago), I was SCARED.

I was only making ends meat for a few months and I started questioning this whole “make money online” nonsense. Then something amazing happened.

One of my articles went viral and I made over $11,000 in October, 2016. It was AMAZING. I felt like all of my hard work had paid off.

BUT, the windfall died off and I was back to hustling and working hard to keep the money flowing in. Since October I’ve averaged $4500/month, so things are going pretty well.

Just remember, eventually you’ll have a breakthrough! Just keep working hard, continue to share value, and keep your passion fueled.

Your time will come!

Book Recommendation Of The Month:  Expert Secrets By Russell Brunson

I wrote a review of Expert Secrets here: Expert Secrets by Russell Brunson Book Review, because his first book Dot Com Secrets completely changed by online business. I was struggling to sell a few products a month before I read that book and now this new book will probably double or triple my business in the net couple of months.

Russell Brunson is the founder of ClickFunnels, my favorite online marketing software. I create all of my landing pages, opt-ins, sales pages, and everything in between with Clickfunnels and I can make most sites in less than 30 minutes. It’s pretty amazing. If you couldn’t tell I’m a HUGE, die hard ClickFunnels fan and you can try it out for 14-Days FREE here.

Make sure to grab a copy of Russell’s book Expert Secrets and we can compare notes!

What are YOU working on this coming May? Anything I can help with? Ask in the comment of I’d love to meet you inside my Facebook Group: Blogging With Funnels

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One Comment

  1. Great post! I definitely learned a lot from it and while I am still new to the blogging world, I hope to get my blog up to speed and generate more traffic. Thanks for the info and awesome read!